Dental Services in Cornwall

At York Street Dental Centre, your health and your family's health is our priority. We are committed to providing you with the most caring and informative treatment options to ensure your oral health is in top shape.

On your first visit, we will conduct a thorough interview, recording your medical and dental history. We will then answer all of your questions and discuss your concerns.

Our team will then complete a comprehensive examination to document the current state of your teeth, gums, and general oral health. We will check any restorations and for signs of cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. Any needed treatment options will be discussed with you and tailored to your needs to restore your optimal oral health.

We believe in providing you with choices, and welcome your questions and comments. Any treatment plan you decide upon should suit your needs, budget and scheduling requirements. By following the course of care that we construct together, you can look forward to a lifetime of great dental health and a pleasant association with our Cornwall dental office.

Contact us today to schedule your family's checkups and cleanings. We promise to make them smile!

© York Street Dental Centre in Cornwall

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