Digital Technology

At our Cornwall dental office, we are committed to bringing the safest and highest quality of care to our patients. Our office uses digital x-rays to aid in your oral health care. Instead of using traditional film x-rays, digital x-rays have electronic sensors which take images and store them in a computer where they can be viewed immediately by you and your dentist in the clinic or quickly shared with someone else.

Digital x-rays allow us to

  • Find decay and abnormalities between teeth and below the gum line
  • Monitor the effects of periodontal conditions
  • Monitor your jawbone and the position of your teeth
  • Monitor areas of concern before they become a problem
  • Detect any growths or abnormality in your jawbone that may be a sign something more serious
  • Get a complete picture of your teeth in relation to each other and your mouth (both inside and out)
  • Digital x-rays emit extremely low levels of radiation. This makes them safer and more efficient in comparison to traditional x-rays. They are also less wasteful as they don't need to be printed out on film. They are able to provide our Cornwall dentists with significant information on the condition of your teeth and gums. They are extremely valuable tools in the diagnosis and treatment of dental issues and allow our York Street Dental Centre team to detect any issues and prevent any further complications.

    To learn more about Digital x-rays and how we use them at our York Street Dental Centre, contact our Cornwall dentists to schedule an appointment today.

    Digital Panoramic X-Rays

    At York Street Dental Centre, our dentists use a panoramic x-ray or pan that shows the entire mouth, including the teeth, upper and lower jaws, and surrounding structures. The panoramic x-ray machine rotates around the patient's head to capture the image in a single scan. Our York Street dentist sees the location of major nerves, sinuses, developing teeth, and pathologies and creates a treatment plan. Panoramic x-rays are commonly used in dentistry to provide a comprehensive view of the mouth and jaw, and they are particularly useful for identifying dental problems such as impacted teeth, jaw tumors, and bone abnormalities.

    Our York Street dentists recommend that all of our new patients have a panoramic x-ray done unless a recent one is available from your previous office. This allows our dentists to have a baseline of your oral health to compare to in the future, and also allows them to diagnose many dental issues. After that, and for all other patients in our office, we recommend a panoramic x-ray every 5-8 years, depending on your specific situation.

    If you have any questions about panoramic x-rays or if you should have one done, contact our York Street Dental Centre today!


    Intraoral cameras are essential diagnosis and patient education tools. This technology is more powerful than traditional x-rays, as it allows us to capture the nuances of the mouth, gums, and teeth to an unparalleled degree. It is designed to be placed inside the mouth and capture high-quality images of the teeth, gums, and other soft tissues. This allows our York Street dentist to design far more highly targeted and specific treatment plans for patients. They are also essential in designing more powerful patient record files, as they can be easily pulled for consultations with other providers should you move out of town.

    An intra-oral camera is a small camera that is used in dentistry to capture images of the inside of a patient's mouth. It has a built-in light source and serves as a tiny video camera that allows us to zoom in on one tooth with 25 times magnification, or give you a video tour of your entire mouth. The images are displayed on a television or computer monitor, our York Street dentist will be able to see problems such as worn or broken fillings, cracked teeth, plaque deposits, cavities next to fillings, and excessive wear. Our dentist York Street Dental Centre can also print an image for you to take home with you.

    Intra-oral cameras have several benefits, including helping patients to understand their dental conditions better, as they can see the images themselves. Additionally, the images captured by the camera can be easily shared with other dental professionals if a referral is necessary. The use of an intra-oral camera also allows for more accurate and efficient diagnoses, as it can capture images that may be difficult or impossible to see with the naked eye.

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