Dental Crowns & Bridges

Trauma, decay, aging, and everyday life can cause teeth to break or fall out. Missing teeth can cause a whole host of problems, from difficulty chewing and biting to hindered speech to a sunken face. Luckily, dental crowns, and bridges from our York Street Dental Centre can fix these problems, leaving you with an improved smile!

Dental Crowns

Oftentimes, dental bonding may not be enough to protect heavily-filled teeth from further deterioration, which is where dental crowns come into play. Dental crowns are made of ceramic material and cover damaged teeth.

There are many other reasons our Cornwall dentist may recommend the use of a crown, including:

  • Covering discoloured teeth
  • Protect fractured or cracked teeth from further damage
  • Supporting a tooth that has been filled or treated with a root canal
  • Assisting a dental bridge procedure

Dental crowns come in customized shapes and colours based on your personal preferences and our Cornwall dentist's suggestions. There are many options for material choice that depend on the patient's unique situation and the ultimate desired outcome.

The Dental Crown Procedure

A dental crown procedure at our York Street Dental Centre consists of two steps.
First, your tooth (and surrounding teeth if needed) will be shaped and prepared to accommodate the crown. Our Cornwall dentist will make an impression of the tooth and send it to the lab. In the meantime, a temporary crown will be placed on the tooth.
The second step will be in a few weeks, at which point the temporary crown will be removed and the custom-fitted dental crown will be placed.

Dental Bridges

While a dental crown is used to cover a single tooth, a dental bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth. A bridge is essentially a "false tooth" that is secured by its surrounding teeth. Keep in mind that the teeth and gums on either side of the tooth being replaced need to be healthy for this procedure to be successful.

Dental bridges from our York Street Dental Centre look and feel just like natural teeth and don't move when eating or speaking, so you and others will barely notice that the bridge is there!

The Dental Bridge Procedure

First, our Cornwall dentist will assess your mouth to determine if your teeth are healthy enough to support a dental bridge. If they are, Dr. Topouzov will shape the surrounding teeth so they can support the bridge and send impressions of your teeth to the lab. When you come back in a few weeks, our dental team will install the bridge and adjust it for the most comfort. You may need to come back for a few visits to ensure the bridge works and feels how it is supposed to.

If you are missing teeth and would benefit from dental bridges or crowns, contact us today!

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