Dental Fillings

Most of us have experienced a cavity at some point in our lives, and the most common solution to these cavities is dental fillings. The goal of doing a dental filling is to remove tooth decay, restore function and prevent the progress of the cavity.

The dental filling procedure involves our Cornwall dentist removing the decayed part of the tooth and then "filling" the area. Fillings can also sometimes be used to repair cracked teeth or teeth worn down from misuse (teeth grinding, nail-biting, etc.).

The material used for the filling will depend on the situation and the goals of treatment. Common options include a variety of composite resin materials, porcelain, fluoride-releasing glass ionomers, gold, and amalgam. Your Cornwall dentist will recommend the best material based on your individual needs.

Taking care of teeth with fillings is the same as normal teeth: maintain your daily oral hygiene routine such as brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash. If you have any questions about getting a new filling or taking care of an existing one, contact our York Street Dental Centre today!

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