Porcelain Veneers

If you want to correct stained, chipped, decayed, or crooked teeth, porcelain veneers may be the solution for you. Veneers are strong, thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded to the teeth.

With a bit of contouring, veneers may also correct slightly crowded or overlapping teeth. If your teeth have discoloured with age, a veneer may improve their appearance. Veneers can also be used for cosmetic reasons instead of crowns, which are more often used for badly damaged or decayed teeth. The tooth enamel needs to be ground down slightly to accommodate the veneer.

To achieve the look of natural teeth, the porcelain is custom-fitted to your teeth and has a translucent finish to resemble natural tooth enamel. Natural tooth enamel does not reflect light immediately. It goes through the enamel and reflects off the opaque tooth dentin that is underneath. The translucency of the veneers helps achieve the same effect.

Veneers are relatively long-lasting and require minimal maintenance, but they are not suitable for everyone. Our Cornwall dental team can help you determine if veneers are a good option for you based on your individual dental needs and goals.

If you want a beautiful and natural-looking solution for your teeth, porcelain veneers are a long-lasting procedure that is worth considering. Contact our York Street Dental team in Cornwall today to learn more!

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